8 SEO Tips for Marijuana Delivery Businesses to Rank #1

seo for marijuana delivery business

Since the legalization of Marijuana in a number of states, it has become more and more possible to start a marijuana delivery business. Right now is the best time to start optimizing your website and growing your online presence since there isn’t a whole lot of competition…yet.

Marijuana delivery makes it possible for customers to order online and get their products delivered right to their door.

This will change the marijuana-business and how people get their cannabis. They will no longer drive down the road to the dispensary.. they can simply order it online and get it to their door hours later.

So having a website is crucial to running a successful marijuana delivery business.

You will also need to have your website optimized so that you can be found when people are searching. Right now is the best time to get started growing your web presence and implement a marketing strategy since its still a somewhat new market.

Here are 8 SEO Tips to help you rank your marijuana delivery business higher in Google:

Google My Business

When it comes to marijuana delivery, you want to rank really well in your local area because that’s where people are going to be buying from. That is why Local SEO is super important for marijuana delivery businesses if you want to rank well.

The very first thing you should do is create a Google My Business listing for your cannabusiness.

Google will always show their Google Local results first, so submitting your business to Google My Business is essential.

marijuana delivery seo google local

Simply sign up for Google My Business, add your company details and they will send a postcard with a special code.

When you receive the code via mail, follow the instructions on the card and confirm your business online.

Optimize your Google My Business listing by adding the following:

  • A detailed description of your business and what you sell.
  • Images, videos, and content about your marijuana delivery business.
  • Hours, phone number, website, and category.
  • If you are delivery-only, select the delivery only option.

Once your Google My Business profile is filled out, now its time to optimize your website for local SEO.

Note: Your business must be in a legal state in order to add your business to Google My Business.

Mobile-Friendly Website

responsive web designDid you know that having a mobile-friendly website can increase your search engine rankings? Not only does it help you rank higher but it will also increase your conversion rates and sales.

75% of people are now browsing the web on their smartphones… so that means that if your website is not optimized for mobile, you will lose out on 75% of your customers.

If you are running a marijuana delivery business, it’s imperative that your website works on mobile, desktop, tablets and any other device customers are visiting from.

Make sure all of your pages look good and are functional on mobile devices and you will see great increases in search rankings.

Add Schema Rich Snippets

Schema snippets are small pieces of HTML or Javascript code that ‘tag’ your website in a readable way for search engines. These snippets allow Google and other search engines to display important data from your page in the search engine results pages.

google rich snippets

For example, have you ever seen ratings under a Google search listing? Did you click it? Chances are you did because having a rating snippet (or other snippets) can increase your CTR since it catches the eye. This will help boost your position as Google sees more people clicking on your listing.

Adding Schema snippets is pretty simple. There are a ton of Schema Snippet Generators that will allow you to import your data and it will export the code for you. Just paste that code in the code of your site and voila… you have snippets.

Here are the different types of markup you can add:

  • Website
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Person
  • Organization
  • Local Business
  • Article
  • Product
  • Event
  • Recipe
  • Job Posting

You should have snippets for every as many of the items in this list as possible. The more (legitimate) snippets you have on your website, the better you will rank in Google.

Be sure to add snippets for each article, rating, product, and your website. This way, Google may show certain information about your products right in Google!

You can test your website to see if your rich snippets have been installing correctly using the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

Meta Titles & Descriptions

Meta title and descriptions are really important when it comes to SEO for your marijuana delivery business.

meta tags seo

The meta title and meta description are what users see in Google when they are searching. It also tells Google and other search engines what your page is about.

To rank higher, add relevant keywords + location in your meta title and description tags. If you are a delivery business in California, for example, you would do something like this:

San Diego, CA Marijuana Delivery | Example Company SD

And then your meta description could be something like:

Example Company SD is San Diego, California's premier marijuana dispensary and delivery business. Get marijuana delivered to your home in San Diego in under 30 minutes.

Now, these are just an example to show you that if you add these relevant keywords plus your location, you will get found easier and rank better.

Content-Rich Product Descriptions

Your product pages are also very important when it comes to SEO. You can get your product pages ranked high in Google and have a steady stream of new customers coming to your website and buying daily.

If your product descriptions are 1- 2 sentences, then you are doing it wrong.

It is a statistical fact that the more words your product descriptions/pages are, the higher you can rank in Google.

content length

Make sure your product descriptions are at least 1,000 words and contain videos, images and other engaging media like testimonials. When you have a content-rich product page, you will rank better and get more customers looking for your products.

Citation Building

For any Local SEO campaign to be effective, you need a ton of local citations.

What are citations?

Well, Google My Business is one citation… Yelp is another popular one. There are thousands of IYP (internet yellow pages) sites out there where you can submit your marijuana business to. The more of these citations you have, the more Google knows that your company/website is located in that geo-located area.

When you build citations you are adding your business name, address and phone number so this tells Google you are in that location. As a result, it will show you for local based searches and when people search for your location.

You can see that we get a nice backlink, business description and a few more details that help your rankings. If you do not have the time to build thousands of citations or just want a pro to do it, Marijuana SEO features a Local SEO plan that includes these services.

If you are looking to get visitors from all around the country or world, then you can use content marketing to rank for organic search.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is basically building high-quality content, marketing it and ranking it high in Google. With content marketing, you can get hundreds of thousands of visitors to your delivery business by ranking relevant content.

Since we are talking about marijuana delivery businesses, then you should be building content around marijuana, marijuana delivery, and any other relevant content. The more you write/blog, the more traffic you will get.

Here is what 6-8 months of content marketing have resulted in for Marijuana SEO:

content marketing traffic

Now, that may not seem like a whole lot, but our content is focused on our target demographic so it converts really well. For example, you own a marijuana delivery business and we are marketing content to you… so it works, because you are reading this.

Building Quality Links

These days, great content is not enough. You also need to promote and market your content so that it gets more backlinks, which are what allow you to rank high in Google.

But before you start thinking about buying a bunch of random links, it’s important to note that you want high quality and relevant backlinks coming to your website and content.

Ideally, you will want to build backlinks to your content that are in the marijuana sector.

Here are a few ways you can build quality links to your content:

  • Guest Posting
  • Citation Building
  • Blogger outreach
  • Quora

If you are interested in learning more places you can get backlinks from, here is an article we wrote that explains some great backlink sources.

Wrapping it Up

When it comes down to it, SEO is very important for your marijuana delivery business. As long as Google shows up higher than Weedmaps, Leafly, and any other organic ranking, it will be your #1 source for traffic (yes even more than Weedmaps or Leafly).

Just implement these 8 simple SEO strategies and you will see your traffic start to increase over time. SEO is not a short process but it’s one of the greatest investments you can make for your marijuana delivery business.


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